Solusi pengobatan asam urat secara tradsional menggunakan ace maxs obat alami untuk asam urat.

so today m going to tell u about some remedies

how i get rid of acne scars
Readmore: obat ejakulasi dini permanen

so today m going to tell u about some remedies which will hide all ur dark spots within a few weeks. so today i vil tell uh some permanent ways to get rid of dark spots: m sharing three easy home remedies, u can choose any one of them for first remedy u need : buttermilk n tomato both have bleaching properties which removes dark spot n pigmentation from the skin, it removes blemishes n dark spots without burning sensation n its lactic acid removes pigmentation n even outs n brighten overall complexion. now in a bowl take all ingredients n now clean ur face n apply this all over the face.
dont apply on ur eyes n lips and keep it there dere for 20 minutes after 20 minutes massage with wet hands for 5 minutes, so tht gudness of the ingredients reach ur skin well. now wash ur faqce with normal water. for second remedy we need: now in a bowl add one tbsp sandalwood powder, glycerine and one tbsp rose water. now mix them well n on ur clean skin apply this all over ur face keep it there for 20 minutes , n after that massage ur face well with wet hands n then wash it off for third remedy we need : now take a bowl n add all the ingredients n mix them well
now apply this to all over ur face leaving ur lips n eyes leave it for 20 minutes n then massage it well for 5 minutes n then wash it off massaging will remove the dead skin n gudness of ingredients will soothe ur skin. doing these remedies daily will get uh a clear skin so this is my today's video if uh liked the video , then don't forget to subscribe n like the video meet uh in my next video till then tc bbie
Readmore: obat ejakulasi dini


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so today m going to tell u about some remedies